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IP Address Concept and Public, Private IP Description

by networker 2024. 4. 10.

This time, we will learn about IP address, which is the foundation of network communication. First, we will learn about IPv4, and we will deal with IPv6 in detail later.



1.  IP Address



The only way to distinguish all devices connected to the Internet is to communicate globally between all devices, so the IP Address was created.


IP Address is the only address that distinguishes the individual hosts or network equipment that uses the protocol, and acts as the only home address in each country and region.



※ IP Address


- IPv4

: IP system currently in use, operating in 32-bit (ex:, approximately 4.2 billion addresses


- IPv6

: Next-generation IP system (complementing the current shortage of IP Addresses) operates with 128 bits (ex: 2001:0230:abcd:ffff:0000:00:00:ffff:1111): I don't know if v6 will be used in the future, but can we memorize IP addresses now?


Separate IP Address by introducing class


A~E Class

D Class : Multicast Address

E Class : Research Address

NetID : The portion of the IP address that separates the network.

HostID : IP address that separates hosts on the network





★ public IP Address


- Unique IP (only one worldwide)


- In order to access the Internet, communication is practically possible through this public IP address.


- Since there is only one address in the world, like a letter is coming.




★ Private IP Address


- IP (usually called internal IP) We call it in the home room, living room, bathroom, small room. It would be easy to understand if you think of this as a private IP Address, because there are living rooms, living rooms, and restrooms in other houses, too.


If I send a letter with my home address, of course I won't get a letter.~You don't know how many living rooms there are in the world and where you're talking about.


- The IP Address scheme created to compensate for the lack of IPv4.


- Available on internal LAN only


- Internet X, To use the Internet, you need to change to an authorized IP Address using NAT Commonly used private IP Address band


- If you look at the IP band... Ah! You have to be able to judge by looking at the private IP here.




Class A :

Class B :

Class C :


* How to check your IP Address

: PC - DOS Window - Use the "IPCONFIG" command to determine which IP is in use





I mean, I'm using a private IP Address C Class band called

When I was using the private IP Address as above, I said that I need the Public IP Address to use the Internet.


* How to check the Public IP you use when you are using private IP and when you are on the Internet


- displaying an Internet window


- Type Ipconfig.Co.kr in the address bar.


- Check the Public IP you use


Currently, you can check that you are using the Public IP of 210.126.1.X. If you look further down, you can also see that it is Public IP used in South Korea.






For your information, IPv6 is not yet available because it is not easy to convert from IPv4 to IPv6.


There are about three ways to convert from IPv4 to IPv6.


1) a double stack

- The system supports both IPv4 and IPv6 until all the Internet uses IPv6.



2) Tunneling

- Available when two IPv6-enabled hosts communicate and packets pass through IPv4-enabled regions


- When you enter an IPv4 region, IPv6 packets are encapsulated as IPv4 packets and reverse encapsulated when leaving the region.


3) Header translation

- How Do I Need When Most of the Internet Is Changed to IPv6 and Only Some Are Using IPv4?


- Change the shape of a header completely through header transformation


This time, we learned about private IP and official IP. I don't know if you have a good idea. Next time, we'll talk more about IPv6.





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