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What is a Gateway? - Gateway spoken by the network

by networker 2024. 3. 26.

What I'm going to talk about this time is the gateway in the network. I often hear this, but there are many people who are confused about Gateway.


In this session, we're going to give you an example of this gateway to make it easier to understand.



1. What is a Gateway?



It's easy to think of it as a door to another network.



For example, a network is a house, and if we want to go to the wrong house, we can go through the front door to get to a place other than next door or our house. The same goes for Gateway.



In order to communicate from the network I use ( to the other network ( band, communication is only possible through the gateway. Usually, the same network uses MAC Address to communicate, so even if you don't know the gateway, you can communicate.


Think of it as the same network band, and when you go from room to living room, from living room to bathroom, it doesn't matter if you don't know the front door.



PC#1 : <====> PC#2 : In the same band, communication is possible without a gateway. As I said before, you can understand the meaning of going to the living room from the room and going to the bathroom from the room.


PC#1 : <====> PC#2 : Two other bands require a gateway to communicate. When you go from Michael's room to John's living room next door, you have to go through the front door, so it's easy to understand if you think of a gateway as a door to another network.





2. Why is Gateway used?




Looking at the picture above, putting a gateway named on a PC with an ip address of means that if a packet from a destination to another network band, not the 192.168.10.X band, it should be sent to the gateway first.



Equipment with Gateway set above will be L3 or higher. Remember that gateway equipment is L3 switch level or higher that can route to other bands! If you only communicate with PCs in the 192.168.10.x band, you can communicate without having to insert a gateway.




This is an IP/Subnet/Gateway set up on one PC.This is because the gateway is set incorrectly.


IP is

Subnet mask is

IP with one C Class subnetted to four networks.


Because 256 terminals are divided into four, one network has 64 expressions.



Our IP Address is Then the IP of this PC can use from to But if you look at the gateway above, it's



This is a wrong setting because it is a different network from If you want to go out of my room, it's easy to understand that it's set up to go through the door of Michael's bathroom next door, not the front door.


To get out of my house, the Gateway has to be locked through our front door, which of course makes no sense if it's locked through a door other than ours.


You should be able to look at the IP/Subnet/Gateway like that and determine if it's right or wrong. Testing a lot of those cases is also very good for understanding IP, subnet mask, and gateway.



In conclusion, the gateway is my front door. To get to another house (a different network), you have to go through my front door.


I looked into the gateway this time, but I'm not sure if you understand it easily. I think it's best to remember that it's the easiest and simplest door to another network.



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