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3 ways of communicating with protocol concepts (uni/multi/broadcast)

by networker 2024. 3. 30.

In this session, we're going to understand the exact concept of what protocols are talking about in the network, and learn about three ways of communication.


Unicast/multicast/broadcast Everyone must have heard of this method a lot, but for those who don't know what it means, this is also the basic, so please be aware of it.



1. What is a protocol?



The dictionary meaning of the protocol is "rules and commitments on how to communicate when sending and receiving information between computers."


To put it more simply, it is a promise that Michael, A, and Jack, B, choose one of the languages, such as English, Korean, or Japanese, to communicate with each other in a language that can communicate with each other.



Michael speaks English, but Jack can't understand what each other is saying in Korean, and of course, a normal conversation won't take place.


So what are the protocols? Let's start with something we've heard of before.


Have you heard of TCP/IP? The P that goes after them all stands for Protocol. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol)



ex) Protocols for the Internet

▶ TCP/IP Protocol for Starcraft in PC rooms

▶ Protocol for Information and Communications Networks Developed by IPX Apple Inc.

▶Apple talk etc.




2. Three network communication methods



1) Unicast method - 1:1 communication method


- Communicate with the correct destination (Source & Destination Address)

- An application using unicast sends each copy of each packet to all client unicast addresses.



① Advantage:

Because it is 1:1 method, it has the advantage of not burdening other PCs connected to the same network.



② Disadvantages:

It is inefficient when communicating with many hosts.







2) Multicast method - 1: N communication method


- Specify a group and communicate information only to that group


- Multicast typically uses UDP. Because data is transmitted collectively on a given channel, there is no need for functions such as data retransmission, which is a characteristic of TCP.


If you use TCP, you'll have to manage the flow of data that's sent to the channel, because this will make the data transmission too complicated. And it's not just UDP that't just use UDP.


TCP is also available. However, given the nature of the data transmitted as multicast, it is not often used because there is no need or need to use TCP.


① Advantage:

It is efficient when communicating with a specific group or group because it can only be sent to specific terminals on the same network.







3) Broadcast method - Communication without a destination (Source address, no destination address)


- All equipment on the same network handles Broadcast packets



① Disadvantages:

Unconditionally, packets are forwarded to all equipment on the same network, which can overload the entire network in large network environments.


EX) Think about the radio. If you turn on the radio, everyone in the radio radius will have to listen to it even if they don't want to.


It's called one ▶ Broadcast Domain.


The 24-port L2 switch is a Broadcast Domain.



We've looked at three different ways of communicating. It wasn't that difficult because it's basic.


If you understand the concept of the protocol, you will feel it easily.




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